The bad...today was another LONG day.... Breakfast was thrown into a bowl to eat at my desk. Lunch was eaten at my desk. Dinner was thrown together with the sole purpose of having dinner tomorrow night. I made pastitsio. And then I had spaghettios for dinner. But, I made some "concoction" of pastitsio for lunch tomorrow. For those that don't know...my mom is the queen...no empress...of "concoctions". If you ask my mom for a recipe of something she made when I was growing up, she will give you a recipe that does not at all resemble what you grew up eating...she made her own - much better - changes.

I have $13 in my grocery budget so I could go buy a whole chicken and some accessories to make this weekend, but I think I will just use up what I have at home and wait until after Feb 1 to go the grocery store.
Tomorrow I have to fill in for my boss at a meeting in the same building as Ms Attitude's office so I will certainly stop by and say hi to her!
Okay, I have no idea what pastitsio is. I imagine it is good though because you made it. I had oatmeal for breakfast too! I like brown sugar and bananas in mine.