Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A very lazy Monday

Yesterday was a lazy day in the kitchen. I ended up working from home because the cold I've been trying to get was staging another attack...and yet I still don't have a cold. Then a friend came over and we made totchos (nachos with tots as the base) so I didn't need dinner. And I made pizza dough again so I have that in case of an emergency meal this week. Still planning to do the pork sometime this week too! 

It wasn't all bad, I had leftover pizza for breakfast, chicken parm for lunch, then threw a bunch of stuff (artichoke hearts, olives, pepperoni) on top of leftover spaghetti, a few spices, a little artichoke marinade and cheese and had dinner. Still haven't eaten out this month....

It's snowy today, so maybe we'll get a snow day tomorrow (not likely). But, if we do, I can play with my new toy!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of "totchos". :) I'll have to remember that for later.
